
Yesterday's World Cup final had viewing figures of 138,695,157.What is the value of the 3?

Posted 3 months ago

Answers (2)

Jane Smith 3 months ago

Answer: The value of the 3 is 30,000,000. Step-by-step explanation: From the digit at the right, you go multiplying each element by 10 powered to a counter that starts at zero and increases at every digit. So: Our counter is i i = 0; v(7) is the value of the 7 i = 1; v(5) is the value of the 5 i = 2; v(1) is the value of the 1 i = 3; v(5) is the value of the 5 i = 4; v(9) is the value of the 9 i = 5; v(6) is the value of the 6 i = 6; v(8) is the value of the 8 i = 7; v(3) is the value of the 3 The value of the 3 is 30,000,000.

John Doe 3 months ago

The digit 3 in the number 138,695,157 represents a value of 300 million, indicating its substantial contribution to the overall magnitude of the figure in the context of place value and powers of 10. The value of the digit 3 in the number 138,695,157 is 3 hundred million. In this number, each place value represents a power of 10, with the rightmost digit being ones, the next one being tens, the next hundreds, and so on. The digit 3 in the hundred million's place means that it represents 3 multiplied by 100,000,000. In other words, the digit 3 in this context signifies 300 million. This is because when you see a digit in a number, its place value determines its weight in terms of powers of 10. So, the digit 3 in the hundred million's place is equivalent to 3 x 100,000,000, which is indeed 300 million. So, in the number 138,695,157, the digit 3 holds the value of 300 million, contributing significantly to the overall magnitude of the figure. Learn more about place value here: #SPJ3

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